Out with the old, in with the Out!

By Allyn Raifstanger

It’s that time of year for New Year’s resolutions. This has lasted for hundreds of years, dating back to 1671. At that time, on January 2nd, found in the diaries of Anne Halkett, a member of the Scottish Gentry, were pledges of biblical verses such as I will not offend anymore. (retrieved from Merriam-webster.com/ when-were-New-Years-Resolution-Started) I always…

Why I switched to a Plant Based diet overnight

By Allyn Raifstanger

I am starting my blog today with the best intent: to change the world starting with me. I have a lot going on, things on my mind, and a mission from who knows where. So, I gave up meat and dairy six years ago, literally overnight. It started with two documentaries that significantly impacted my life: The…

Definition of a Health Coach

By Allyn Raifstanger

Definition of a Health Coach A Health Coach is a guide and mentor who empowers clients to take responsibility for their health and supports them to implement lifestyle and behavior changes that will contribute to the achievement of their personal wellness goals. Some common areas where a Health Coach may help a client include weight…