Phone:(513)317-2498 Email: allyn@www.envisionhealthandwellness.com
It’s that time of year for New Year’s resolutions. This has lasted for hundreds of years, dating back to 1671. At that time, on January 2nd, found in the diaries of Anne Halkett, a member of the Scottish Gentry, were pledges of biblical verses such as I will not offend anymore. (retrieved from Merriam-webster.com/ when-were-New-Years-Resolution-Started)
I always need help thinking of New Year’s Resolutions. I use the excuse that if I have a resolution, why wait till New Year’s Day? Is there any day that isn’t good to quit smoking, exercise more, eat healthier, treat your spouse better, spend more time with your children or grandchildren, refrain from excessive spending, stop swearing, take your dog for a walk, make your bed every day or wake up fifteen minutes earlier so that you don’t have to drive like a maniac to work and almost kill everyone in your path?
I generally don’t have a New Year’s Resolution. This year, I do, though, and I’m keeping it to myself because the funny thing is they are usually broken as quickly as they start. That’s why gyms are the busiest in January and, by February, are back to normal.
I didn’t realize this, but December is a month that many people let go of their inhabitations in recognition that on January 1st, the proverbial sh!T hits the fan. I thought that only happened on Fat Tuesday, the famed New Orleans party tradition the night before Lent. That’s when we give up something we like or try to be more giving towards the less fortunate for the Christian Lenten Season.
“Starting a resolution cold turkey is difficult.”
Then, I came up with a good and easy one for everybody. As an Integrated Nutrition Health Coach, there are some fundamental theories and core concepts I would like to mention. One theory is that of crowding out. We work with clients to crowd out bad foods with good foods. You only need to change your shopping habits a little over time.
Slowly but surely, make your shopping list include healthier items to replace unhealthier items. Replace refined sugar (sugary drinks, pastries, cookies, and donuts) with natural sugars with fiber. (Apples, kiwis, berries, and oranges) Slowly replace bad fats (red meat, chicken, cheese) high in cholesterol and unsaturated fats with good fats (avocados, olive oil, cashews, almonds, wild-caught salmon, herring, and mackerel).
If you must eat meat and poultry, try to buy local, grass-fed beef and cage-free chicken, humanely raised and steroid and antibiotic-free. Crowding out is resolution #1. Fitting out is resolution #2. I count this as a two-for-one because we can cross off many things we might be resolute for.
In Integrated Nutrition, we want our clients to fit out. We all know what fitting in means; fitting out is what makes you unique. You may fit out because of the clothes you wear, your personality, the hobbies you have, your mission, your diet (sometimes vegetarians and vegans can be outcasts because they don’t fit in when eating out), and anything else that makes you uniquely you. Work on fitting out as a beautiful resolution to the New Year. And I will see you in 2019.