Whole Foods A-Z

By Allyn Raifstanger

Whole Foods A-Z Here is your guide to whole foods from almonds to zucchini. It contains some of our favorite whole foods and provides background on why they are so nutritious. For each food, you’ll find a list of prominent health benefits, a short nutritional profile, a typical serving size, and which diets it can…

We Don’t Just Eat Lettuce! Vegan Recipes For Carnivores

By Allyn Raifstanger

So, I start my blog with the best intent: to change the world, starting with me. I have a lot going on, things on my mind, and a mission from who knows where. So, I gave up meat and dairy six years ago, literally overnight.  It started with two documentaries that significantly impacted my life:…

Allyn Raifstanger as an Integrated Nutrition Heath Coach

By Allyn Raifstanger

Allyn Raifstanger as an Integrated Nutrition Health Coach Q: What is an Integrated Nutrition Health Coach? An Integrated Nutrition Health coach is a guide and supportive mentor who empowers clients to take responsibility for their health and achieve wellness. Q: How did Allyn become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach?           After…

Mind Over Body (part 2)

By Allyn Raifstanger

If you didn’t read my last blog, this won’t make much sense, so I suggest you look back on it. I’m learning that health may be a state of mind. You have heard of the placebo effect when patients are given medicine that they think will cure them, but it’s only sugar or salt water.…

Mind Over Body (part 1)

By Allyn Raifstanger

As an Integrated Nutrition Health Coach, I support one of IIN’s unique theories, Primary Food and Secondary Food. Primary Food is your relationships, career, spirituality, and exercise and is as essential in your health and well-being as Secondary Food, what’s on your plate. In this blog, I will talk about a recent experience with spirituality and…

Why I switched to a Plant Based diet overnight

By Allyn Raifstanger

I am starting my blog today with the best intent: to change the world starting with me. I have a lot going on, things on my mind, and a mission from who knows where. So, I gave up meat and dairy six years ago, literally overnight. It started with two documentaries that significantly impacted my life: The…